I have a challenge for you today. There is no doubt we’ve all been in unsettling, life-changing circumstances so far this year. But I want to remind you to find joy in the everyday.
So what is a 30 day Joy Challenge and why would I want to do that? Let me first ask you this question: Which camp do you fall in right now ... the “life is great!” ... the “life is hard” ... or are you in that season of life where you’re just saying “don’t even ask”?
The point is we are all in various places in our journey, and depending on the situation day to day or even hour to hour, that perspective can change dramatically.
But what I’ve learned is that when I am feeling under attack to the extent that my head is swirling and I just don’t even want to get out of bed, I can be assured I am on the right path!
The universe, the enemy - whatever you choose to call it - is trying desperately to keep me busy over here so I am not focusing my efforts on joy over there. Over there where I could be making a difference in the life of someone else. Over there where I could be getting some much deserved down time or soul-renewing rest. Over there where I am putting others ahead of my busyness and self-absorption.
Sometimes finding joy is about taking time every single day - in the midst of our hardships - to be intentional about doing something positive and meaningful for another or for yourself. It can as simple as a three or four word directive. Volunteer somewhere. Play with a dog. Help someone in need. Find beauty around you.
Every time you go through a 30 Day Joy Challenge you will have a different experience of showing kindness to people, animals, yourself and the environment. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
So the question is, what will you do today to focus on joy? I promise you this . . .if you seek joy, you will find it every time.
June 8, 2020 Meaningful Moment
Tracey McLarney